Easy Shipping Fulfillment

» Three shipping options UPS, USPS & FedEx

» Supporting tracking system

» Same day pack and ship service available 

» Handling time 24 - 48 hours

Fast Shipping Handling

» Nationwide coverage 

» 1-3 Days Arrival Ground Service

» Ready Stock Warehouse

» Sync Shopping Cart

Expedited Shipping: Next Day Air and 2nd Day Air are also available. Please call or e-mail for pricing.

We ship based on value and quantity of order. Most orders are shipped within 24-48 hrs by USPS or standard UPS ground shipping to lower 48 states.

We ship both US domestic and international.

Get orders processed quickly

Get orders processed quickly. Our customer support includes email and US-based phone support for all merchants with questions regarding expedited shipping.
USPS, FedEx and UPS calculate quotes both domestic and international. There are both economical and fast speedy rates for you to choose, such as, First Class, Flat Rate, Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, Standard post, First Class International, etc. We handle both domestic and international parcels.